Test administration

Each test is comprised of 40 items. The Kindergarten to Grade 2 tests are each 30 minutes, plus 5-10 minutes of instruction. The Grade 3-9 tests are each 35 minutes, plus 5-10 minutes of instruction.
You can access the test via this link: https://a2.mhs.com/ngat
On testing day, the Test Administrator will provide each student a unique, 8-digit, alphanumeric access code. The student will open the web browser on their device and enter the following URL: https://a2.mhs.com/ngat. When prompted, the student will enter their access code and then wait for the Test Administrator’s instructions.
The Test Administrator is the individual who will proctor the Naglieri General Ability Tests. Professionals most likely to serve in the role of a Test Administrator include classroom teachers, teachers of gifted and talented students, gifted and talented coordinators, and trained professionals. The Test Administrator must be familiar with all aspects of the instructions and procedures provided here. This person is also responsible for ensuring that the setting and seating of all students will allow eachstudent to work in a comfortable manner.
A single student can be scored using the Naglieri General Ability Tests national norms.
Yes they can. Skipping question allows students to leave an item blank and return to the question later (if time allows). It also allows the student to not be over taxed if the question is beyond their ability level.
We currently do not offer the ability to skip tests. The student will have to complete the tests in the order within the Test Plan.

Please re-test this student with a new code.

Please re-test this student with a new code.

Viewing the Stop Screen after the final item indicates that a test has successfully been submitted. If you are continuing testing on another day/time you can close the browser. If you are continuing to test in the same session, the next arrow will not appear until 5 minutes has elapsed. If the student views the Stop Screen during testing and has not reached the final item, then that student reached the time limit and all items that were attempted have been submitted. If a student is in grade K-2 the time limit is 30 minutes for each test. If a student is in grade 3-9, the time limit is 35 minutes for each test.
This happened because the student reached the time limit. All items that were attempted will have been submitted. If a student is in grade K-2 the time limit is 30 minutes for each test. If a student is in grade 3-9, the time limit is 35
minutes for each test.
If you don’t see the student’s test in the completion table, this means that the data from the student was not received. Please re-test this student with a new code.

Pressing “Alt” + “K” on the keyboard will display the comic version of the instructions if the instructional video does not work.

A downloadable PDF of this FAQ is available at MGI Frequently Asked Questions