Incorporating Accommodations
In cases where the student presents unique visual, auditory, and/or motor challenges, the Test Administrator must use their judgment to determine if the Naglieri General Ability Tests are a suitable measure for the student. In certain circumstances, a testing accommodation can be provided. A testing accommodation reflects changes to the procedures for administering a test.
Note that due to the visual nature of the stimuli, students with low vision (that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses) or those that are blind will not be able to complete the tests.
Accommodations Addressed by the Naglieri General Ability Tests
Common Accommodations | Additional Details |
Use of color overlays | The purpose of color overlays is to make the texteasier to read. The Naglieri General Ability Tests do not have any text, andtherefore overlays are unlikely to be useful. |
Allow for extra time | The Test Administrator can add extra time on thestudent’s testing device by pressing “Alt” + “T” on aWindows computer or “Option” + “T” on a Mac. A messagewill appear on the screen to indicate the timer has been turned off. |
Use a computer for testing | The tests are available online. |
Use of a prompter, who can move the student on tothe next problem | If a prompter is needed, the student can indicatean answer verbally and the prompter can input the answers on the comput |
Provide larger-sized items or magnification forthe visually impaired | The images used on the tests will scale up ordown with the screen size. Therefore, if the student requires larger images,it is recom- mended that a larger screen be used to complete the test. Ifthis is not possible, for computers, laptops, and Chromebooks, the magni-fication function within the browser (“Ctrl” + “+” keyson a Windows computer or “Command” + “+” on a Mac) can beused to magnify the images. For iPads and other touch screen devices, pinchtwo or more fingers together or apart to adjust the zoom. Note that if theitems are magnified too much, responses and layout may be cropped out of viewor distorted on the screen. |
Break the test up and allow for frequent breaks | The test may be separated into smaller sectionsby providing neces- sary breaks and resuming when the student is ready. It isimportant to remember the tests are timed, therefore, they must be pausedduring breaks. To pause a test on the student’s testing device, press”Alt” + “U” on a Windows computer or “Option” +”U” on a Mac. A pause symbol will appear on the screen to indicatethe timer has temporarily stopped. |
Preferential seating | The tests are available online which provideseach student with the same access and allows for multiple seating scenarios. |
Exam should be taken in place withoutdistractions | A distraction-free environment is a recommendedpractice for all ability testing scenarios. |