Generate a new report

What is Generating a Report

The Naglieri General Ability Tests are automatically scored through the MHS Group Insights platform, which is also where the Local Norms Report and the National Norms Report for the Naglieri General Ability Tests are generated. An internet connection is required to obtain scores and to generate a report for the Naglieri General Ability Tests.

What you need to get started

Prior to report generation, the following information is required to score the Naglieri General Ability Tests:

Test Type
The specific test(s) completed by the students (i.e., Naglieri–V and/or Naglieri–NV and/or Naglieri–Q).

Date Range
The date range in which the students completed the tests (e.g., September 15 to October 9, 2021).

The grade form completed by the students (e.g., Grade 2).

Norm Type
The Naglieri General Ability Tests can be scored using either national or local norms. Selecting National Norms will compare students to a nationally representative sample of same-grade peers, and their scores will be calculated in comparison to the national reference sample of students who have completed the Naglieri General Ability Tests. Selecting Local norms will score students as compared to their grade-peers from a specified school, subdistrict (group of schools), or district.

Report Data By
This selection determines which students will appear in the report.
Local Norms – The Report Data By selection will have a direct impact on the scores calculation as students’ scores are computed in relation to the specified Report Data By sample selection.
National Norms – The Report Data By selection will define which students appear in the report but does not impact the calculation of scores.

Local Norms – The scores each student earned in relation to same-grade peers within the selected school.
National Norms – The scores of the students who belong to the school selected.

Local Norms – The scores each student earned in relation to same-grade peers within the selected subset of the district.
National Norms– The scores of the students who belong to the subdistrict selected.

Local Norms – The scores each student earned in relation to same-grade peers within the selected district.
National Norms – The scores of the students who belong to the district selected.

How to generate a new report

  1. Click the Manage Reports icon in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click + New Report. The report form opens up.
  3. Enter a unique Report Name into the applicable field. You can refer to this name if you need to search your report list.
    Generating Reports Step3_ReportName
  4. Select the Test Type(s) you want to include.

    Please select all test types you wish to include. You can include just one test type, a combination of two test types, or all three.

    A Total Score can only be calculated if two or three tests are selected.

    Generating Reports Step4

  5. Select the Completed Date Range you want the report to include.
    Generating Reports Step5
  6. For the start and end date, click OK to confirm the selected date
    Generating Reports Step6
  7. Select the Grade. This will filter your student roster to include only the students who are in that selected grade.
    Generating Reports Step7
  8. Select the Norm Type from the list of options (National Norms or Local Norms)
    Generating Reports Step8
  9. Select Report Data By from the list of options (School, District, Subdistrict, School + District, School + Subdistrict). For Local Norms, this selection will define the local comparison sample and which students appear in your report.
    Generating Reports Step9

    For National Norms, this selection will define which students appear in your report.

    Generating Reports Step9

  10. Make your selections from the next three dropdown menus (School, Subdistrict, District). Note that these dropdown menus—and the options within—may or may not be enabled depending on the Report Data By option you selected in the previous step.

    School – Select the school you wish to see in your report.

    Generating Reports Step10_1

    Generating Reports Step10_2

    District – The district is already selected for your District comparison.

    Generating Reports Step10_3

    Sub-district – Select the schools you wish to include in your Subdistrict.

    Generating Reports Step10_4

    School + District – Select the school you wish to see in your report. The district is already selected for your District level comparison.

    Generating Reports Step10_5

    School + Sub-district – Select the school you wish to see in your report. Select the schools you wish to include in your Subdistrict. Selected school must be included in Sub-district.

    Generating Reports Step10_6

  11. Click Next. A Report Summary appears, with a list detailing the selections you made on the previous screen.Generating Reports Step11
  12. Review the selections you have made. To make changes, click Back. If everything is okay, click Generate.Generating Reports Step12
  13. You will be taken back to the Manage Reports page. The generated report will appear at the top of the table. To open the report, click the Excel or CSV link, depending on the format you want.

Note: While all scoring options are included in your report, for local norms we recommend using the following scoring options based on the number of completed records:

  • 25+ records: All Scoring Options
  • 10-24 records: Local Rank Order/Local Percentile Rank
  • <10 records: Local Rank Order

How to open a generated report

  1. Click the Manage Reports icon in the left navigation menu.
  2. In the report table, select the report format (Excel and/or CSV) you want to use. The report type you select will open in a new browser window.
  3. Save the report to your device.

How to search for a generated report

  1. Click the Manage Reports icon in the left navigation menu.
  2. Enter the report name into the search box.
  3. Click the Search icon.

When using local norms, every student is compared relative to each other in the selected grade. As such, all students within a given grade should complete testing before scoring so as not to change the reference sample and alter results.

When using national norms, students are compared against a nationally representative sample and thus the number of students who have been tested does not impact the scoring.

Teacher reports that include data at an individual student level or class-level are not currently available. However, they will be added in the near future. In the meantime, we would be happy to work with you to create a letter template that you can modify and mail merge the relevant data from the scored dataset to sharing the results with classroom teachers.