The Naglieri General Ability Tests can be scored using local or national norms. The Local Norms Report provides the results for a group of students that were tested in the same grade. The results are a direct comparison of any student in relation to all students in a specific school, district, or subdistrict. The National Norms Report provides a comparison to a student’s grade-peers within a nationally representative sample. Please note that both norms are grade-based.
Teacher reports that include data at an individual student level or class-level are not currently available. However, they will be added in the near future. In the meantime, we would be happy to work with you to create a letter template that you can modify and mail merge the relevant data from the scored dataset to sharing the results with classroom teachers.
The larger the local norm sample, the more precise the Local Percentile Rank, Local Stanine, Local Standard Score, and Local Total Scores will be. While all scoring options are included in your report, we recommend using the following scoring options based on the number of completed records: 25+ records: All Scoring Options; 10-24 records: Local Rank Order/Local Percentile Rank; <10 records: Local Rank Order.
Here is a list of features and considerations for accessibility with the Naglieri General Ability Tests.
When using local norms, every student is compared relative to each other in the selected grade. As such, all students within a given grade should complete testing before scoring so as not to change the reference sample and alter results.
When using national norms, students are compared against a nationally representative sample and thus the number of students who have been tested does not impact the scoring.
Missed students can be tested either with their existing access codes or with a new access code if the original code is expired. A new report will need to be generated to include these students. Please note that if local norms are used, scores from the previously generated report will change due to the reference sample changing with the addition of the missed students. When using national norms, students are compared against a nationally representative sample and thus the number of students who have been tested does not impact the scoring.
For questions or more information about online administration, scoring, or reporting of the Naglieri General Ability Tests, please contact one of our Customer Service representatives:
In the United States, call toll-free at 1-800-456-3003.
In Canada, call toll-free at 1-800-268-6011.
Other customers can call +1-416-492-2627.
All email inquiries can be sent to [email protected] at any time and will be addressed by one of the MHS representatives.
A downloadable PDF of this FAQ is available at MGI Frequently Asked Questions