How to read a report
The Local Norms Report and National Norms Report can be opened in either an Excel or a .csv format. There are three separate files in total which contain the following content:
Description of the scores provided in the other files.
Includes a brief description of the report and information about the sample of students selected.
Student information and scores
Student Information
Demographic information of each student.
Response Style Analysis
Provides metrics related to whether the student has provided reliable and usable data. These include Completion Time, Omitted Items, Identical Consecutive Responses, and Inconsistent Responses, and indicates if any of these metrics are flagged for an unusual response style. See chapter 4, Scores and Interpretation, in the Technical Manual for more details about these Indicators).
Additional Information
Provides additional details about the student’s testing session and includes the number of items attempted by the student (maximum = 40), if the student timed out of the test (i.e., the student did not attempt all test questions within the time limit), and the date the test was completed.
Raw Scores
Provides the total number of correctly answered items correct on each test completed (with the discontinue rule applied; see Naglieri General Ability Tests’ Scores in chapter 4, Scores & Interpretation, in the Technical Manual).
Local Norm Scores–School-Level Comparisons (if selected)
Provides the score options for a school-level comparison (i.e., what score each student earned in relation to all same-grade peers within the school).
Local Norm Scores–Subdistrict -Level Comparisons (if selected)
Provides the score options for a subdistrict-level comparison (i.e., what score each student earned in relation to all same-grade peers within the schools selected to be part of the subdistrict sample).
Local Norm Scores–District-Level Comparisons (if selected)
Provides the score options for a district-level comparison (i.e., what score each student earned in relation to all same-grade peers within the district sample).
National Norm Scores (if selected)
Provides the scores for a grade-based national comparison (i.e., what score each student earned in relation to a nationally representative sample of same-grade peers).
Item Scores
The student’s score for each item (i.e., correct or incorrect).