Edit a group

How to edit a group

Because some of the participants you want to include in a Group Report might be late completing their assessment, the portal allows you a six-week “grace period.” During this grace period you can add additional participants to the group and generate new reports at no extra charge (assuming you have paid the full price for the generation of the original Group Report).

Understanding the grace period

This grace period begins when you generate your first Group Report and ends six weeks later. You can see the date the grace period started (the “Scored Date”) on the Select Participants page.

Although participants can be added for free during this period, the same does not apply to the deletion of participants. If you delete participants from a group report that has previously been generated, you will be charged the full purchase price even if this happens during the grace period. However, the Portal will always let you know if any charges are incurred.

After the six-week grace period ends, you will be charged the full purchase price for both the addition and deletion of participants from a generated Group Report.

To select a previously created group

  1. On the Create a New Report Page, click the Group icon.

    The Select Group page appears.

  2. Select your group from the drop-down list.

    The Group Name and Group Description text boxes appear, auto-filled with the text that you previously entered.

  3. Enter any changes to the group name and description. Please be aware that if you change the group name, any reports you generated for the previous group will no longer be available on the My Reports page.
  4. Click Next to proceed to the Select Participants page.

To add new participants to a group

  1. On the Select Participants page, click Add Participant.
  2. The Select Participants list appears.

  3. Select the participants you want for the group.
  4. Click Add to Group.

    Once added, the individual listings are removed from the pop-up to prevent you from mistakenly adding the same participant twice.

  5. Continue adding participants. If you can’t find a participant, you can use the search options at the top of the page.
  6. Click Finish when you are through adding participants.

    The pop-up closes and you are returned to the table on the Select Participants page.

  7. To delete participants, click the check boxes beside them, and then click Remove Participants. (For further information on deleting participants, click here.)
  8. Click Save Group.
  9. Click Next to proceed to the Select Template page.

To delete participants from a group

  1. On the Select Participants page, select the participants you want to delete by clicking individual selection boxes or the select all box.
  2. Click Remove Participant.

    The participants you selected are removed from the group list.

  3. To undo the deletion, click Restore Group. Any participants who have been deleted since the group was last saved will be returned.
  4. When you have finished deleting participants, click Save Group.
  5. Click Next to proceed to the Select Template page.

If you delete participants who were included in the last-generated group report, you will be charged the full purchase price for the new report. This charge will apply even if the deletions happen during the grace period.

When participants are added or deleted from a pre-existing group, the previous report listing for that group is removed from the My Reports page. The report listing reappears on the My Reports page when you generate a new report for the group.