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Getting Started with the Talent Assessment Portal
Talent assessment reports are generated using a token system. You purchase tokens (either from MHS or from your distributor) which are then redeemed for any report you choose. The number of tokens you will be charged will always be displayed during the report generation process.
Tokens are only deducted from your account when you generate a report, not when you send out invitations to complete the assessment. If you run out of tokens, you can still administer the assessment; however, you cannot generate any new reports until you have obtained additional tokens.
Single-user accounts are stand-alone accounts that are not associated with a multi-user or distributor. Single-users manage their own accounts and can directly purchase tokens from MHS via their TAP account. Most TAP users are set up as single-users.
Multi-user accounts are users who are designated as account administrators, and who are in charge of managing sub-user accounts and sharing tokens. A multi-user account setup is preferred when an organization wants to centralize the administrative functions of several TAP users. Please note that in order to be designated as a multi-user, you must apply to MHS. You cannot switch your account designation on your own. For more information, please refer to the Getting Started Guide for Multi-Users.
A distributor is a designation given by MHS to organizations outside of North America that sell tokens and set up and manage sub-user accounts. These sub-users can conduct assessments; however, they cannot purchase tokens from MHS. Instead, they purchase tokens from the distributor. Please note that in order to be designated as a distributor, you must apply to MHS. You cannot switch your account designation on your own. For more information, please refer to the Getting Started Guide for Distributors.
Sub-user accounts (also known as child accounts) are created and managed by either multi-user account administrators or by distributors. Sub-users cannot purchase tokens directly from MHS. Tokens must either be requested from the multi-user administrator or purchased from the distributor.
Most assessments on the Talent Assessment Portal are single-rater assessments, in which the participant completes an assessment about themself.
With a multi-rater assessment (such as the EQ 360), the participant still completes the assessment. However, additional raters (such as a coworker, direct-report, or boss) are also invited to complete the assessment. When this happens, the raters are not answering the assessment items to rate their own behavior, but rather to rate the behavior of the participant. This feedback–from both the participant and the raters–is used to generate a multi-rater report.
With most assessments, when a report is generated, two separate documents are produced: a Coach report and a Client report.
The Client report is meant to be shown to the participant, as it presents the results in an easily understood format.
By contrast, the Coach report is only meant to be seen by the user who conducted the assessment, such as a manager, HR consultant, or psychologist. This report provides a more thorough analysis of the results
Please note that when the user emails the participant the report from the My Reports page, it is only the Client report that is sent.
On occasion, you might want to regenerate a report that has previously been generated. This could be because the original report has been archived, or you want to regenerate the report in a different language or with different report options enabled. In this case, the regeneration of the report will always be free.
The only time you will be charged for regenerating a report is if you select different norms, or (in the case of a group report) you include a different line-up of participants.