View a sub-user’s usage history

How to view a sub-user’s usage history

As an administrator, you can view the usage history of any of your sub-users.

To view a sub-user’s usage history

  1. Click Manage Inventory > View Usage History in the left menu.

    You’re presented with a chart detailing the number of form uses that have been consumed for all products over a given time period.

  2. By default, you’re shown the usage for all your users. To view the usage of a specific user, select their name from the dropdown list.
  3. To filter the chart to only show the uses of a specific assessment, select the assessment from the dropdown list.
  4. If you want to view the usage of the assessment broken down by specific forms, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

To view the data for a specific time period, select a month range (to a maximum of 12 months) from the dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the page. Then select the end-month of the range from the calendar icon in the top-right corner.

You can display the usage data as either a bar chart or a line chart. To select a different display, click the Bar or Line button directly above the chart.