How to distribute the open invitation
After you have generated an open invitation, the link is displayed at the top of the Your Link page. When a participant clicks the link, they are taken to a site where they complete the assessment online.
There are a number of ways to distribute the open invitation link:
- You can copy the link and paste it into an email sent to participants taking the Assessment. Note that this email must be sent from your own email account; it is not automatically sent through the Talent Assessment Portal.
- If you want to include instructions in the email, copy and paste the suggested text at the bottom of the Your Link page into your email and send it to the participants. This text contains the generated link which allows the participants to complete the assessment online.
- If you do not know the email addresses of the participants, the link can be posted online at a site that participants have access to.
- Alternatively, the link can be printed out and manually distributed to participants.
Don’t worry! If an unwanted individual completes the assessment, you will not be charged. Remember, it is free to complete an assessment. You are only charged when you generate a report.
Please note that the EQ-i Higher Education assessment has a different payment structure than the other assessments on the Talent Portal. When using the open invitation option for the Higher Education assessment, we recommend using the security settings.