Generate a comprehensive report

The Comprehensive and Counselor’s report

The Student Comprehensive Report is a 13-page report that contains results, interpretive text, and development strategies for all 15 subscales. One report option is to include scores in this report that provide specific, numeric feedback. Due to the depth of information in this report and the relative maturity required to effectively plan and carry out the developmental strategies, this report should only be given to the student under the direct supervision of a certified EQ-i 2.0 administrator.

The Counselor’s Report is a 10-page report that contains all the information required to debrief the student on their results.

Because the Counselor’s Report is required by the administrator to explain the Comprehensive Report to the student, the two reports are generated together as a time-saving measure.

To generate a comprehensive report

  1. Click Report in the left menu.

    The Select Report Type page appears.

  2. Click the Comprehensive & Counselor’s Report icon.

    The Select Participants page appears.

  3. Select the checkboxes of the participants you want to generate reports for.
  4. Click Next to proceed to the Report Template page.

The Report Template page allows you to use the default report, customize the report, or select a previously created report template.

To customize the report template

  1. On the report template page, select Create a New Template from the Template drop-down menu.
  2. Type a name for your template in the Template Name text box.
  3. Type a short description of your template in the Template Description text box.
  4. Select a Norm Type from the Norm Type drop-down menu.
  5. Select a language for the comprehensive report from the Language drop-down menu. Currently, the available languages are English and Spanish.
  6. Select a language for the Counselor Report from the Language drop-down menu. Currently, the available languages are English and Spanish.
  7. To add a report title (such as your school or class name), type the title in the Report Title text box.
    The participant name and date are automatically shown on the cover. You don’t need to enter them into the text box.
  8. To insert a logo onto the cover page:
    • Click Browse. The File Upload dialog box appears.
    • Find the image file on your computer, then click Open. The name of the image file appears in the Import box.
    • Click Upload Selected Logo.
    • If you change your mind about including the logo, click Remove Logo.
  9. Add Resources by filling out the Resource text boxes.
  10. Click Show Report Options. The Report Option choices appear.
  11. Decide which options you want to include. Click On to display an option, or Off to not display an option, for both the Comprehensive and Counselor’s Section of the Report.
  12. Select whether or not to include a Scored Dataset along with your reports. To include the dataset, click On and then enter a name for the Dataset in the text box.
  13. Click Save Changes when you have finished your modifications.

    Your new template now displays as on option in the Template drop-down list. To re-use the template at a later date, simply select it from the list.

  14. Click Next proceed to the Review page.

To view a generated report

After you have generated a report, the report can be viewed as a PDF on the My Reports page. However, this option is only available for five days after the report has first been generated. If you want to see the report after that time, you can regenerate the report, free of charge.

  1. Click the My Reports tab.

    The My Reports page appears.

  2. Click the link for the Comprehensive report or the Counselor’s report beside the name of the participant.

    Depending on your browser, the report will either be saved to your computer, or you will be given the option to view the report immediately.

If a report does not automatically appear in the list after you have completed the report generation (or regeneration) process, click Refresh, or set the Auto Refresh drop-down to ON.

There are currently two population norms to choose from:

  • Overall. The participant is compared to all of the general population norm.
  • Gender-Specific. The participant is only compared to those in the same gender. Note that this norm will only be applicable to participants whose selected gender is either male or female.

    If you select the Gender-Specific norm for an automatically-generated Summary Report, any participants who do not enter a male or female gender will be scored against the overall norm.

  1. On the Select Template page, select the template you want to delete from the template drop-down list.

    Delete Template button appears at the bottom of the page.

  2. Click Delete Template.

    A pop-up appears asking for confirmation.

  3. Click Yes to confirm.

    The selected template is now deleted from the drop-down list.

You will be charged 30 tokens for generating the Comprehensive & Counselor’s Report if:

  • You have not already generated the Summary report for the participant.
  • You are regenerating the Comprehensive & Counselor’s Report with a different norm than what you had originally selected

Your Comprehensive & Counselor’s Report will be free if:

  • You have already generated the Summary report for the participant
  • You are regenerating the Comprehensive & Counselor’s Report with the same norm that you originally selected
  1. Click the My Reports tab.The My Reports page appears.

    Reports that need to be regenerated will have a status of Archived.

  2. Select the checkboxes for the reports you want to regenerate.
  3. Click Regenerate.

    New links for the reports appear at the top of the table. If a report link does not automatically appear after you have completed the report regeneration process, click Refresh, or set the Auto Refresh drop-down to ON.